Training Day at the CIFEA in Lorca to publicise Adespolorca’s activities within the framework of the Collaboration Agreement signed with the CARM for the development of the Chato Murciano native breed of pig.

Training Day at the CIFEA in Lorca to raise awareness of Adespolorca’s activities. The Autonomous Community of the Region of Murcia, through the Regional Ministry of Water, Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries, has renewed the Collaboration Agreement that has been in place since 2007 with the Agrupación de Defensa Sanitaria (ADESPOLORCA) to carry out a Training…

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Equine Stallion Management Training Course Included in the Teacher Training Programme

Equine Stallion Management Training Course 1 The Equine Stallion Management Course, included in the Teacher Improvement Programme of the National Reference Centre for Livestock, was recently held from 2 to 6 September 2019, with a duration of 30 hours. The Advanced Training Courses are included in the Pluriannual Action Plan 2017-2018, which is carried out…

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Aku Sarka, a student of the University of Applied Sciences of Häme, Finland, is doing a degree in horticulture and has come to Spain, with an Erasmus scholarship and the coordination of the CIFEA of Lorca.

Aku Sarka, student at Häme University of Applied Sciences, Finland Aku Sarka, a student of the University of Applied Sciences of Häme, Finland, is studying a degree in horticulture and has come to Spain, with an Erasmus scholarship and the coordination of CIFEA Lorca, through the Workplace Training Area, which enables and promotes internships for…

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Participation of the Consejería de Agua Agricultura Ganadería y Pesca in the training courses “Better Training For A Safer Food”, organised by the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food.

Better Training For A Safer Food” Training Courses TITLE OF THE TRAINING: WORKSHOP ON BEEF CARCASS CLASSIFICATION DATES OF THE TRAINING: 28/05/2019 to 30/05/2019 PLACE: PLACENZA AND OSPEDALETTO LODIGIANO ITALY The main objective of these courses is that the staff of the control bodies of the EU Member States (EMM) that carry out the control…

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