A training speciality is the grouping of professional competences, contents, and technical specifications that responds:

  • A set of work activities framed within a phase of the production process and with related functions.
  • To the acquisition of transversal competences necessary for the adequate performance in the professional environment and context.

Cada especialidad formativa está adscrita a una familia y área profesional, y tiene asignado un determinado nivel de cualificación (levels 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5). The Training Specialities can be:

  • Specialities of formal training provision: they lead to the award of certificates of professionalism. A certificate of professionalism officially accredits a professional qualification and is issued by the Ministry of Labour, Migration and Social Security, or the competent body of the Autonomous Community. In the Catalogue there are currently 583 training specialities that correspond to certificates of professionalism.
  • Specialities of the non-formal training offer: they are not linked to certificates of professionalism. They lead to a diploma or a certificate of attendance.

Training Specialities catalogue

The Catalogue of Training Specialities is an instrument that includes the organisation of all the training offer, formal and non-formal, developed within the framework of the Vocational Training System for employment in the field of employment.

The specialities can be searched by code, professional family, professional area or name of the speciality. If you want to search for specialities of a transversal nature (they affect several professional families), in Professional Families, you must select the option “Complementary Training”.